Trying to boost your weight loss? Here are the 4 best whole grains that fight and prevent belly fat

best whole grains for weight loss
Here are the 4 best whole grains that fight belly fat and boost weight loss | Photo Credit: Thinkstock

Eating a diet rich in whole grains can actually boost your weight loss and help you lose belly fat effectively. Here are some of the healthiest whole grains to add to your daily diet for optimal results.

With such a large amount of meal plans out there, from low-fat to low-carb diets, many folks square measure confused regarding uptake whole grains for concern of gaining weight. Perhaps, plenty has been aforementioned regarding whole grain with some sources suggesting that they’ll be unhealthy for weight loss as they’re dense in carby calories. However, studies have shown that uptake a diet made in whole grains will really boost your weight loss and assist you lose belly fat effectively, primarily as a result of their high in fiber.

Also, university researchers reportable that people UN agency Ate whole grains daily weighed less by regarding a pair of.5 pounds than those that Ate solely refined grain foods. whereas several studies have found a link between overwhelming whole grains and important reduction of body fat, particularly round the area, it is confusing once it involves selecting the healthiest whole grains for weight loss. the truth is that some grains square measure higher than others, hence, it’s regarding selecting the proper kind of grain. Here, we’ve got listed four of the healthiest whole grains that may facilitate boost your metabolism and build your weight loss journey easier.

Brown Rice


Unlike polished rice, rice has all bran layers intact and contains all of its naturally gift nutrients, aforementioned dietician Janvi Chitalia. These layers of bran act to shield the grain and facilitate maintain its fatty acids. Rice conjointly contains the best quantity of B vitamins of all grains. in addition, it contains iron, magnesium, amino acids, and linolic acid. rice is high in fibre and contains a low glycemic index, creating it a much better alternative than polished rice for polygenic disorder and weight management. Some health edges of rice are:

  • Promotes good digestion
  • Quenches thirst
  • Balances blood sugar
  • Controls mood swings



Kasha is that the name for buckwheat that has been cooked to a deep amber color. it’s one in all the oldest ancient foods in Russia. Despite its name, buckwheat isn’t really a member of the wheat family however rather a relative of rhubarb. Of all the grains, buckwheat has the longest transit time within the epithelial duct and is that the most filling, that aids weight loss. Buckwheat conjointly contains fewer calories compared to wheat or rice. Characteristics of buckwheat include:

  • Stabilises blood sugar
  •  Rich in B vitamins
  • Benefits circulation
  • Strengthens kidneys
  • Good source of phytonutrients
  • Gluten-free
  • Supports a healthy cholesterol profile



Known for its umteen health edges, millet could be a terribly little, spherical grain thought of a superfood for weight loss. Millets square measure high in supermolecule, fibre, iron, magnesium, and chemical element. It contains atomic number 25, that helps support healthy skin. It is derived back thousands of years and was the chief grain in China before rice became widespread. It continues to sustain folks in Africa, China, Russia, and India, among different places. Millet is a very nutritive crop that grows well below harsh or dry conditions, that contributes to its widespread use and recognition. Characteristics of millets include:

  • Gluten-free
  • Improves blood pressure
  • Antifungal, helping ease candida symptoms
  • Warming, hence, good to eat in cool or rainy weather
  • Supports kidneys and stomach
  • Soothing, especially for indigestion or morning sickness



Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) is full of supermolecule, fibre, and varied different essential nutrients that promote health and improve weight loss. In fact, quinoa has all 9 essential amino acids, creating it an entire supermolecule. Quinoa is additionally high in B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium, and Ca. whereas technically a seed, quinoa is typically classified with the grains because it is burnt in a very similar manner. it’s been full-grown and consumed for regarding eight,000 years significantly on the high plains of the Andes Mountains in South America. Characteristics of quinoa are:

  • Gluten-free and easy to digest
  • Low glycemic index
  • Ideal food for endurance
  • Helps strengthen the kidneys and heart and may help reduce inflammation

It is aforementioned that one cup of burnt quinoa has eight grams of supermolecule.

So, currently you recognize that grains square measure sensible for losing weight. strive adding them to your daily diet for optimum health and fitness results.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned within the article square measure for general info purpose solely and may not be construed as skilled medical recommendation. forever consult your doctor or a specialist before beginning any fitness programme or creating any changes to your diet.

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