An update to this help page ends up the discussion over whether key words can affect your visibility in local search results.
A new” Describe your business (es)” Section in the “Boost the regional ranking on Google” page of this Google My Business (GMB) Help site encourages local business owners to add relevant keywords in their own GMB descriptions.
Think about how users search. The new Segment, first seen from Stefan Somborac, founder of Marketing Metrology, advises businesses to include keywords clients would use to locate their business within their listings.
“Believe About the words clients would type to locate your small business, and ensure that your list actually comprises those key words inside,” the section reads. ”’
Detailed and accurate. Google additionally Still advises at the “Relevance” section on that page to give it as many signals as possible about your company:”[A]dding complete and detailed company information can help Google better understand your company and match your list to applicable searches from customers.”
Why we care. The new Section explicitly references including keywords within a GMB list’s Description, settling the debate concerning if doing this can actually have an impact. Real-world branding. Do not keyword spam to Attempt to control your ranking
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